
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.13



1. crack up(爆笑する、笑いこける)

= She cracked up when she heard the joke.


2. drum up(~を獲得する、得ようと努力する)

= The candidate distributed thousands of leaflets to drum up support.


3. bask in(浸る、浴する)

= She basked in the glory of winning the award.


4. churn out(~を大量生産する)

= The factory is churning out cheap imitations.


5. spring up(生まれる、現れる)

= Many IT venture companies have sprung up in recent years.


6. balk at(ためらう、尻込みする)

= He balked at paying the fee.


7. beef up(強化する、増強する)

= The company needs to beef up its marketing team.


8. cash in on(~につけこんでもうける)

= He cashed in on the Internet start-up boom.

Daily English 2020.11.12



1. haul off(~を運行する)

= The suspect was hauled off to the local police station.


2. seal off(立ち入り禁止にする、封鎖する)

= Police sealed off the crime scene.


3. bawl out(~をがみがみしかる)

= The coach bawled him out for being late.


4. egg on(~にけしかける、そそのかす)

= I hit the boy as many friends egged me on.


5. abscond with(~を持ち逃げする)

= He absconded with investors money.


6. live down(~を人々に忘れさせる)

= You will never be able to live it down.


7. pan out(うまくいく)

= Unfortunately the plan didn't pan out.


8. stumble across(~を偶然見つける、偶然出くわす)

= I stunbled across old pictures from my childhood in the attic.

Daily English 2020.11.11



1. allude to (~にそれとなく言及する、ほのめかす)

= He alluded to the problem in his speech.


2. drift off(眠りに落ちる)

= She had just drifted off when the phone rang.


3. factor in(~を計算に入れる)

= Real estate values have declined when inflation is factored in.


4. intervene in(介入する、仲裁する)

= The government should not intervene in a free market.


5. zero in on(的を絞る、狙いを定める)

= The company is zeroing in on the youth market.


6. fork out(渋々払う)

= He forked out $200 for a taxi.


7. mark up(値上げする)

= Imported wines were marked up about 10 percent.


8. pass on(~を伝える)

= I'll pass your message on to her.

Daily English 2020.11.10



1. gloat over(~を見てほくそえむ)

= SHe gloated over her rival's failure.


2. sort out(を解決する)

= We still have a number of problems to sort out.


3. succumb to(~に屈する)

= He finally succumbed to the lure of money.


4. act up(いたずらをする、ふざける)

= Don't act up in class.


5. write off(を帳消しにする)

= The bank worte off $15 million in bad loans.


6. encroach on(~に押し寄せる、侵入する)

= Urban development is encroaching on rural areas.


7. shy away from(~に尻込みする)

= She has never shied away from a challenge.


8. fan out(散らばる)

= Detectives fanned out to surround the house.

Daily English 2020.11.09



1. own up to(~を白状する)

= He finally owned up to stealing the money.


2. interefere with(~に支障を来す、妨害する)

= She tries not to let work interfere with her personal life.


3. head off(~を阻止する)

= The airline has headed off a strike by flight attendants.


4. make off with(~を持ち去る、持ち逃げする、盗む)

= The robber made off with about $2.000 from a cash register.


5. abide by(規則などに従う)

= All students must abide by school rules.


6. butter up(~にごまをする)

= It's no use buttering me up.


7. delve into(~を徹底的に調べる、詮索する)

= Police delved into the student's background.


8. buckle down to(本腰を入れる、本気で取り掛かる)

= It's time to buckle down to work.