
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.23



1. be vulnerable to(~に弱い、傷つきやすい)

= Infants are vulnerable to infections.


2. be engrossed in (~に夢中になっている)

= She seemed engrossed in conversation.


3. be heedless of(~を気に留めない、注意を払わない)

=He shouted, heedless of the crowd.


4. be commensurate with(~に相応している、釣り合っている)

= Salary should be commensurate with experience and skills.


5. be skeptical about(~を疑っている、~に懐疑的である)

= Salary should be commensurate with experience and skills.


6. be adept at(~が上手である)

= She is very adept at cooking.


7. be indicative of (~を示している)

= Rising unempoloyment is indicative of declining economic conditions.


8. be oblivious to(~に気づいていない)

= He seemed oblivious to his surroundings.

Daily English 2020.11.22



1. inspire A to do(Aを触発して~する気にさせる)

= Schiller's poem inspired Beethoven to compose his Ninth symphony.


2. motivate A to do(Aを~する気にさせる、動機を与える)

= It is a teacher's job to motivate students to learn.


3. deter A from doing(Aに~するのを思いとどまらせる)

= High prices deter consumers from buying organic foods.


4. preclude A from doing(Aが~するのを妨げる)

= Lack of funds precluded the project from moving forward.


5. lull A into doing(Aを安心させて~させる)

= He lulled me into believing that everything would turn out all right.


6. prompt A to do(Aを駆り立てて~させる)

= What prompted hi to do such a thing?


7. pressure A to do(Aに~するよう圧力をかける)

= The CEO was pressured to resign.


8. bar A from doing(Aが~するのを禁じる)

= The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match.

Daily English 2020.11.21



1. cajole A into doing(Aをおだてて~させる)

= He is good at cajoling people into doing what he wants.


2. coerce A into doing (Aに強要して~させる)

= The suspect was coereced into confessing.


3. implore A to do(Aに~するよう懇願する)

= She implored him to help her.


4. coax A into doing(Aをなだめて~させる)

= I coaxed my daughter into going to the doctor.


5. entice A to do(Aをそそのかして~させる)

= Advertisements try to entice consumers to buy things they don't really need.


6. dupe A into doing(Aをだまして~させる)

= She was duped into buying a fake Louis Vuitton bag.


7. exhort A to do(Aに~するよう呼び掛ける)

= The religious leader exhorted demonstrators to avoid violence.


8. dissade A from doing(Aに~するのを思いとどまらせる)

= I tried to dissade him from quitting his job.

Daily English 2020.11.20



1. bestow A on B(AをBに授ける、与える)

= An honorary degree was bestowed on him.


2. instill A in B(AをBに植え付ける、教え込む)

= We need to instill confidence in all our students.


3. exonerate A from B(AのBを晴らす)

= The defendent was exonerated from the charge of theft.


4. hail A as B(AをBと称賛する)

= The event was hailed as a great success.


5. liken A to B(AをBに例える)

= Life is often likened to a voyage.


6. perceive A as B(AをBだと考える、とらえる)

  = He is often perceived as being overconfident and arrogant.


7. relegate A to B(AをBに降格させる、格下げする)

= The club was relegated to the Second Division.


8. absolve A of B(AのBを免じる、免除する)

= The court absolved him of all charges.

Daily English 2020.11.19



1. attribute A to B(AをBに起因すると考える)

= Global warming is attributed to the emission of greenhouse gases.


2. pass A off as B(AをBだと思い込ませる)

= The man tried to pass fake goods off as authentic.


3. squander A on B(AをBに浪費する)

= He squandered his saving on gambling.


4. rebuke A for B(AをBで非難する)

= He was rebuked for his selfishness.


5. swindle A out of B(AからBをだまし取る)

= The firm was accused of swindling investors out of at least $20 million.


6. embed A in B(AをBに埋め込む)

= Four round cut diamonds are embedded in the ring.


7. admonish A for B(AをBのことで注意する)

= He was admonished for using his cell phone in class.


8. delegate A to B(AをBに委任する)

= You should delegate more responsiblities to your subordinates.