
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.07.08





1. be tied up(手がふさがっている、予定が詰まっている)

= I"m tied up right now, so can you call back later?


2. hit the roof(かっとなる、頭にくる)

= She hit the roof when she found out the truth.


3. fend for oneself(自活する、努力で生活する)

= She is old enough to fend for herself.


4. lay it on thick(大げさに言う)

= He laid it on thick about how disappointed he was.


5. sweat it out(ドキドキして待つ)

= She sweated it out until the call came.


6. turn over a new leaf(心を入れ替える、心機一転する)

= He has turned over aa new leaf and wants to start a new life.


7. manifest oneself(現れる)

= Her musical ability manifested itself at the age of 3.


8. pull the plug on(打ち切る)

= The government pulled the plug on subsidies for solar panels for homes.