
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.01





1. advocate(支持する、支持者)

= The group advocates the abolition of capital punishment.


2. manipulate(操る、操作する)

= The politician is good at manipulating public opinion.


3. diminish(減少する)

= The president's approval rating is diminishing steadily.


4. languish(低迷する、不振である)

= Stock prices are languishing at low levels.


5. trigger(引き起こす、誘発する)

= The blackout was triggered by a tree falling on a power line.


6. enhance(高める、強める)

= We need to enhance the reputation of our company.


7. alleviate(緩和する)

= This medicine will alleviate your pain.


8. plague(苦しめる、悩ます)

= About 20 percent of the polulation in that country are plagued by poverty.