
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.03





1. constitute(構成する)

= Women constitute 17 percent of Congress.


2. surmise(~だと推測する)

= We can surmise that the economy is on the way to recovery.


3. circumvent(すり抜ける、抜け道を見つける)

= There are many ways to circumvent the law.


4. weather(切り抜ける、乗り切る)

= The firm has managed to weather the recession.


5. placate(~をなだめる、怒りを鎮める)

= He tried to placate his wife by aplogizing.


6. clench(~を食いしばる、握りしめる)

= She clenched her teeth to supress the pain.


7. exacerbate(~を悪化させる)

= The growing divide between rich and poor has exacerbated the tensions between the two groups.


8. undermine(~を揺るがす)

= High crime rates have undermined public confidence in the police.