
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.26



1. derisive(あざけるような、ばかにした)

= She looked at me with a derisive expression.


2. diffident(自信のない、遠慮がちな)

= He gave his answer with a diffident smile.


3. feasible(実現可能な)

= Doyou think the plan is feasible?


4. inquisitive(好奇心の強い)

= Children are innately inquisitive.


5. requisite(必要な)

= He lacks the requisite skills for the job.


6. scanty(乏しい、不十分な)

= Trustworthy information about his life is scanty.


7. intermediate(中級の)

= This class is for intermediate learners of English.


8. complacent(自己満足の、悦に入った)

= The biggest danger lies in becoming complacent.