
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.13



1. crack up(爆笑する、笑いこける)

= She cracked up when she heard the joke.


2. drum up(~を獲得する、得ようと努力する)

= The candidate distributed thousands of leaflets to drum up support.


3. bask in(浸る、浴する)

= She basked in the glory of winning the award.


4. churn out(~を大量生産する)

= The factory is churning out cheap imitations.


5. spring up(生まれる、現れる)

= Many IT venture companies have sprung up in recent years.


6. balk at(ためらう、尻込みする)

= He balked at paying the fee.


7. beef up(強化する、増強する)

= The company needs to beef up its marketing team.


8. cash in on(~につけこんでもうける)

= He cashed in on the Internet start-up boom.