
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.24



1. be mesmerized by(~に魅了される)

= We were mesmerized by the beauty of the landscape.


2. be susceptible to (~に感染しやすい、~の影響をうけやすい) 

= Children are more susceptible to flu than adults.


3. be tantamount to(~に等しい、~と同じである)

= Saying "I'm sorry" is tantamount to an admission of guilt.


4. be averse to(~が嫌いである)

= Everyone is averse to war.


5. be fraught with(悪いことに満ちている、問題などをはらんでいる)

= Any investment is fraught with risks.


6. be infested with(群がっている)

= The garden was infested with ants.


7. be replete with(~でいっぱいである、満ちている)

= The hotel is replete with modern amenities.


8. be conducive to(~に役立つ、~の助けになる)

= Regular exercise is conducive to good health.