
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.30



1. be tied up(手がふさがっている、予定が詰まっている)

= I'm tied up right now, so can you call bak later?


2. hit the roof(かっとなる、頭にくる)

= She hit the roof when she found out the truth.


3. fend for oneself(自活する)

= She is old enough to fend for herself.


4. lay it on thick(大げさに言う)

= He laid it on thick about how disappointed he was.


5. sweat it out(どきどきして待つ)

= She sweated it out until the call came.


6. turn over a new leaf(心を入れ替える)

= He has turned over a new leaf and wants to start a new life.


7. manifest oneself(現れる)

= Her musical ability manifested itself at the age of 3.


8. pull the plug on(~を打ち切る)

= The government pulled the plug on subsidies for solar panels for homes.

Daily English 2020.11.27



1. kick up a fuss(騒ぎ立てる、不平を言う)

= The passengers kicked up a fuss when informed their flight had been canceled.


2. bear the brunt of(の矢面に立つ)

= The prime minister bore the brunt of public criticism.


3. take it out on(~に八つ当たりする、当たり散らす)

= It's not my fault, so don't take it out on me!


4. fly off the handle(急に怒り出す)

= He flies off the handle sometimes.


5. fall flat(冗談などが受けない)

= His jokes fell completely flat.


6. have it out(決着をつける)

= Yous should have it out with him once and for all.


7. hit it off(~と仲良くなる)

= Mike and I hit it off right away.


8. make headway(前進する、進展する)

= The ship made little headway against the strong wind.

Daily English 2020.11.26



1. be prone to(をしがちである、~になりやすい)

= Children are prone to injury.


2. be impervious to(~に平然としている、動じない)

= He is impervious to criticism.


3. be optimistic about(~に楽観的である)

= He is optimistic about his huture.


4 . be entrenched in(~に根付いている)

= Corruption is deeply entrenched in the country.


5. be enthusiastic about(~に熱中している)

= My father is enthusiastic about golf.


6. be preoccupied with(~に心を奪われている)

= He is preoccupied with his new girlfriend.


7. be bogged down in(~で行き詰っている)

= The peace process is bogged down in interminable discussions.


8. be wary of(~を警戒している)

= You should be wary of online scams.

Daily English 2020.11.25



1. be inundated with(~が殺到する)

= The school was inundated with calls rom the media.


2. be derived from(~に由来する)

= The word "disk" is derived from the Latin word "discus."


3. be enthralled by(~に魅了される)

= He was enthralled by her beauty.


4. be cut out for(に向いている、適している)

= She is not cut out for teaching.


5. be enamored of (~に夢中になっている)

= My daughter is enamored of ballet.


6. be overwhelmed by(~に圧倒される)

= I was overwhelmed by the natural beauty of the island.


7. be identical to(~と全く同じである)

= The experimental results were identical to the simulation results.


8. be infatuated with(~に夢中になっている)

= She is completely infatuated with the singer.

Daily English 2020.11.24



1. be mesmerized by(~に魅了される)

= We were mesmerized by the beauty of the landscape.


2. be susceptible to (~に感染しやすい、~の影響をうけやすい) 

= Children are more susceptible to flu than adults.


3. be tantamount to(~に等しい、~と同じである)

= Saying "I'm sorry" is tantamount to an admission of guilt.


4. be averse to(~が嫌いである)

= Everyone is averse to war.


5. be fraught with(悪いことに満ちている、問題などをはらんでいる)

= Any investment is fraught with risks.


6. be infested with(群がっている)

= The garden was infested with ants.


7. be replete with(~でいっぱいである、満ちている)

= The hotel is replete with modern amenities.


8. be conducive to(~に役立つ、~の助けになる)

= Regular exercise is conducive to good health.