
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.29

今日の単語。 1. constitutional(憲法の) =The politician is an advocate of constitutional reform. 2. treacherous(危険な、危険の潜む) = Heavy snow over the weekend has made roads treacherous. 3. mandatory(義務的な) = The use of seat bel…

Daily English 2020.08.28

今日の単語。 1. covert(秘密の、ひそかな) = Police carried out covert surveilance of the building for several weeks. 2. ubiquitous(どこにでもある) = Convenience stores are ubiquitous in Japan. 3. hereditary(遺伝の) = Hair loss is ofte…

Daily English 2020.08.27

今日の単語。 1. sporadic(散発的な) = Sporadic gunfire continues in the city. 2. prolific(多作の) = Throughout his short life, Mozart was a prolific composer. 3. tangible(明白な、確固たる) = There is no tangible evidence that the man …

Daily English 2020.08.26

今日の単語。 1. spurious(でたらめな、いい加減な) = Much of the information turned out to be spurious. 2. frenetic(慌ただしい、熱狂的な) = She is tired of the frenetic pace of life in the city. 3. insatiable(飽くことをしらない、貪欲な…

Daily English 2020.08.25

今日の単語。 1. sedentary(座りっぱなしの) = People with sedentary jobs are at risk of health problems due to lack of exercise. 2. uncouth(粗野な、がさつな) = She found him uncouth and obnoxious. 3. exquisite(きわめて美しい、非常に見事…

Daily English 2020.08.24

今日の単語。 1. impending(差し迫った、今にも起こりそうな) = She was unaware of the impending danger. 2. rife(はびこって、広まって) = Crime is rife in the city. 3. pristine(新品同様の、汚れのない、染み一つない) = The used car was in a…

Daily English 2020.08.23

今日の単語。 1. reclusive(隠遁した、世を捨てた) = The author lived a reclusive life in the countryside. 2. adroit(上手な、巧みな) = He is adroit at negotiating contracts. 3. banal(陳腐な、ありふれた) = Most critics called the novel b…

Daily English 2020.08.22

今日の単語。 1. lucrative(もうかる、金になる) = Silkworm breeding was a lucrative business in many agricultural regions. 2. indigenous(原産の、固有の) = Cacao trees are indigenous to South America. 3. impeccable(非の打ちどころがない、…

Daily English 2020.08.21

今日の単語。 1. concede(渋々認める) = He conceded that he had lied. 2. revoke(無効にする、取り消す) = The Supreme Court revoked the lower court's decision. 3. appall(ぞっとさせる、愕然とさせる) = The September 11 terrorist attacks ap…

Daily English 2020.08.20

今日の単語。 1. detonate(爆発させる) = Between 1951 and 1962, over 100 nuclear bombs were detonated in the Nevada desert. 2. dispel(一掃する) = The CEO tried to dispel the rumor that he was resigning soon. 3. incur(負う、被る、招く) …

Daily English 2020.08.18

今日の単語。 1. enact(制定する) = This law was enacted in 1975. 2. maintain(~だと主張する) = He maintains that the soul is immortal. 3.besiege(取り囲む) = The movie star was besieged bu reporters. 4. forge(結ぶ、築く) =Great Brita…

Daily English 2020.08.18

今日の単語。 1. tarnish(傷つける、汚す) = The scandal tarnished the prime minister's image. 2. deride(あざける、あざ笑う) = She derided hiim as stupid. 3. dwindle(次第に減少する) = The Japanese population is dwindling. 4. suppress(…

Daily English 2020.08.17

1. propagate(広める、普及させる) = Christianity was propagated from the Roman Empire into the West. 2. flaunt(ひけらかす、見せびらかす) = He has never flaunted his achievements in front of his colleagues. 3. persist(続く、持続する、固…

Daily English 2020.08.15

今日の単語。 1. fetter(束縛する) = He feels fettered by time. 2. undertake(着手する、取り掛かる) = The government needs to undertake more reforms. 3. mollify(なだめる、慰める) = He seemed somewhat mollified by my explanation. 4. aver…

Daily English 2020.08.14

今日の単語。 1. subvert(転覆させる、倒す) = The criminals plotted to subvert the government. 2. galvanize(活気づかせる) = The accident at the nuclear plant galvanized popular opposition to nuclear power. 3. stipulate(~を規定する、明…

Daily English 2020.08.13

今日の単語。 1. stabilize(安定させる) = The government needs to stabilize the financial market right away. 2. lament(嘆く、悲しむ) = They lament the decline of traditional values. 3. assail(激しく非難する) = Opposition parties assail…

Daily English 2020.08.12

今日の単語。 1. recuperate(回復する) = Her husband is recuperating from his surgery. 2. evade(逃れる、免れる) = The suspect has evaded capture for more than five years. 3. petrify(~を呆然とさせる) = I was petrified when I heard the …

Daily English 2020.08.11

積み重ねが大切。 今日の単語。 1. reinforce(補強する、強化する) = The building needs to be reinforced to withstand earthquakes. 2. heave(持ち上げる、力を入れて引く) = He heaved the box onto the table. 3. tout(もてはやす) = The politic…

Daily English 2020.08.10

朝時間通りに送り出すことが出来ただけで、一日の気分が全然違う。 夏休みまであと少し。頑張ろう。 今日の単語。 1. embody(体現する) = The US constitution embodies the principles of democracy. 2. abate(弱まる、和らぐ) = The storm abated befo…

Daily English 2020.08.09

たっぷりと時間があるのに何もする元気がない、そんな時もあるよね、きっと。 自分に言い訳をするそんな日曜日。 今日の単語。 1. aggravate(~を悪化させる) = She aggravated her knee injury while training. 2. pinpoint(特定する、突き止める) = In…

Daily English 2020.08.08

待ちに待った週末。 朝から起こしたり、勉強させる苦労がないだけでホッとする。 今日の単語。 1.congregate(集合する) = Demonstrators congregated in front of the US embassy. 2. quell(鎮圧する、鎮める) = Police were summoned to quell the demo…

Daily English 2020.08.07

朝からどんより曇り空で気分も塞ぎ気味。 気持ちを上げて頑張ろう。 今日の単語。 1. fluctuate(変動する) = Prices fluctuate according to supply and demand. 2. fuel(あおる、刺激する) = Low interest rates have been flueling increases in new h…

Daily English 2020.08.06

朝からもうイライラすることばかり。 どうやって解消しようか考えないと。切実に。 今日の単語。 1. demean(品位を傷つける) = Words and expressions that demean others should be avoided. 2. orstracize(のけ者にする、村八分にする) = He has been …

Daily English 2020.08.05

朝から送り出すだけで今日一日分の体力とエネルギーを消耗した気分。 今日の単語。 1. procure(~を入手する) = He managed to procure the girl's phone number. 2. vindicate(~の正しさを証明する) = The theory was vindicated by experiments. 3. m…

Daily English 2020.08.04

久しぶりの美容院のお出かけ、楽しみ。 やっぱり自分のためにかける時間って大切。 今日の単語。 1. ransack(荒らしまわる、略奪する) = The store was ransacked by looters. 2. sway(影響を与える、左右する) = We are easily swayed by our emotions.…

Daily English 2020.08.03

月曜日一週間の始まり。 気を引き締めて過ごそう。 今日の単語。 1. constitute(構成する) = Women constitute 17 percent of Congress. 2. surmise(~だと推測する) = We can surmise that the economy is on the way to recovery. 3. circumvent(すり…

Daily English 2020.08.02

どこか遠くに旅行に行かれなくても、美味しいものを一緒に食べて笑顔でいられればそれだけで幸せだなあと感じる。 今日の単語。 1. enforce(守らせる、施行する) = Safety regulations must be strictly enforced. 2. disseminate(広める、普及させる) =…

Daily English 2020.08.01

今日から8月。本当に早い! 元気な朝に感謝。今日も1日素敵な日になりますように。 今日の単語。 1. advocate(支持する、支持者) = The group advocates the abolition of capital punishment. 2. manipulate(操る、操作する) = The politician is good …

Daily English 2020.07.31

今月で7月も終わり。本当に時が過ぎるのはあっという間でびっくりする。 季節感がないだけにそう感じるのかな。 今日の単語。 1. subordinate(部下) = He is respected by his subordinates and colleagues. 2. squabble(くだらない言い争い) = I had a …

aily English 2020.07.30

子育って自分育てって言うけれど、本当にその通り。 自分が思い描いた通りになんて全くいかなくて、悩んで苛立って。 日々考えさせられる、本当に。 今日の単語。 1. mentor(助言者) = He has been my friend and mentor for over 20 years. 2. transfusio…