
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.04.16





1. eligible(資格のある)

= You are eligible to receive a pension.


2. adamant(譲らない、断固主張する)

= He was adamant that he would not change his mind.


3. elusive(分かりにくい、とらえどころのない、達成しがたい)

= The concept of " race" is elusive.


4. detrimental(有害な、不利益な)

= Smoking is detrimental to your health.


5. tremendous(莫大な、ものすごい、非常に)

= A tremendous amount of money has been spent on the project.


6. erratic(とっぴな、不規則な)

= The singer was well-known for his erratic behavior.


7. inscrutable(謎めいた、不可解な)

= I could not discern his mood from his inscrutable face.


8. docile(大人しい、従順な)

= My dog is very docile.