
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.04.24






1. adulation(お世辞、追従、称賛)

= The singer gained the adulation of fans around the world.


2. jurisdiction司法権、権限)

= Guam is under the jurisdiction of the United States.


3. cortex(皮質)

= The cerebral cortex is responsible for receiving, interpreting, and storing information.


4. solidarity(団結、結束、連帯)

= Thousands of workers joined the strike in solidarity.


5. vandalism(損壊罪、破壊行為)

= The man was arrested for vandalism to a monument with the park.


6. epiphany(突然のひらめき)

= I had an epiphany while taking a shower.


7. guise((本来とは異なる)形、姿、外観)

= The devil appears in different guises in many cultures.


8. detour(迂回路、回り道)

= I took a detour to avoid the traffic jam.