
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.05.17





1. scuttle(駄目にする、台無しにする)

= Bad weather scuttled the launch of the Space Shuttle.


2. scour(探し回る)

= Detectives scoured the crime scene for clues.


3. disdain(軽蔑する)

= I disdain people who think they are better than others.


4. defy(無視する)

= He defied the order from his superior.


5. displace(強制退去させる)

= Over 500 local residents were displaced for the construction of the dam.


6. reclaim(取り戻す、再生利用する)

= She went to the police station to reclaim her lost purse.


7. expire(期限が切れる、満期になる)

= When does your passport expire?


8. synthesize(合成する、統合する)

= Vitamin D is synthesized in the human skin.