
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.06.16





1. own up to (白状する、認める)

= He finally owned up to stealing the money.


2. interfere with (支障を来す、妨害する)

= She tries not to let work interfere with her personal life.


3. head off(阻止する、回避する)

= The airline has headed off a strike by flight attendants.


4. make off with(持ち去る、持ち逃げする)

= The robber made off with about $2.000 from a cash register.


5. abide by(従う)

= All students must abide by school rules.


6. butter up(ごまをする、おべっかを言う)

= It's no use buttering me up.


7. delve into(徹底的に調べる、詮索する)

= Police delved into the suspect's background.


8. buckle down to(本腰を入れる、本気で取り掛かる)

= It's time to buckle down to work.