
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.06.18






1. allude to(それとなる言及する、ほのめかす)

= He alluded to the problem in his speech.


2. drift off(眠りに落ちる)

= She had just drifted off when the phone rang.


3. factor in(計算に入れる)

= Real estate values have declined when inflation is factored in.


4. intervene in (介入する、仲裁に入る)

= The government should not intervene in a free market.


5. zero in on(的を絞る、狙いを定める)

= The company is zeroing in on the youth market.


6. fork out(渋々払う)

= He forked out $200 for a taxi.


7. mark up(値上げする)

= Imported wines were marked up about 10 percent.


8. pass on(~を伝える)

= I'll pass your massage on to her.