
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.06.22





1. mull over(~をじっくり考える、熟考する)

= We need to mull over the situation before making a final decision.


2. lean on(~に圧力をかける、脅す、~に頼る)

= The government leaned on the TV station not to air the program.


3. cut across(~を超えて広がる)

= The president's popularity cuts across age, gender, and religion.


4. rustle up(急いで作る)

= She rustled up breakfast for me.


5. muscle in on(~に強引に割り込む)

= The company is trying to muscle in on the Chinese market.


6. branch out(活動範囲を広げる、手を広げる)

= The manufacturer announced plans to branch out into the Indian market.


7. walk out(ストライキをする、立ち去る、退場する)

= More than 500 workers walked out against a wage cut.


8. wriggle out of(~を避ける、逃れる)

= The prime minister wriggled out of answering the question.