
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.07.28




1. pretext(口実、言い訳)

= The phrase "War against terrorism" has been used as a pretext for military intervension.


2. correlation(相互関係、相関関係)

= There is a strong correlation between poverty and malnutrition.


3. debacle(大失敗、完敗、総崩れ)

= The promotional campaign ended in a complete debacle.


4. hallmark(特徴、特質)

= Consistency is the hallmark of good writing.


5. whim(気まぐれ、思い付き)

= Don't buy things on a whim.


6. inmate(収容者)

= Five inmates broke out of the jail around midnight.


7. effigy(肖像、偶像)

= The demonstrators burnt effigies of political leaders.


8. deterrent(抑止するもの、妨害物)

= A security alarm can be an effective deterrent to thieves.