
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.07.31





1. subordinate(部下)

= He is respected by his subordinates and colleagues.


2. squabble(くだらない言い争い)

= I had a swuabble with my husband about money last night.


3. discrepancy(不一致、食い違い、相違)

= There is often a discrepancy between public opinion and policy.


4. posture(姿勢、態度)

= SHe has very good posture.


5. fertility(肥沃さ)

= The fertility of the soil determines the amount od agricultural production.


6. liability(厄介者、お荷物)

= He is becoming a liability to the party.


7. thesis(論文、主張)

= She is working on a thesis on modern art.


8. libel(名誉棄損)

= The publisher was sued for libel.