
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.06





1. demean(品位を傷つける)

= Words and expressions that demean others should be avoided.


2. orstracize(のけ者にする、村八分にする)

= He has been ostracized by his colleagues.


3. frisk(ボディチェックする)

= The police officer frisked the man for hidden weapons.


4. curtail(~を削減する、抑制する)

= The automaker had to curtail production due to lack of demand.


5. replenish(補充する)

= WE need to replenish our stock.


6. soar(急上昇する、急騰する)

= Unemployment soared to 8.5 percent last month.


7. stifle(妨げる、やめさせる)

= Antitrust laws prohibit practices that stifle free competition.


8. invoke(発動する、呼び覚ます)

= The government invoked a curfew to prevent further violence.