
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.02



1. lethargic(気だるい、無気力な)

= I feel tired and lethargic today.


2. harrowing(痛ましい、はっきりとした)

= This book is a harrowing account of child abuse.


3. explicit(明確な、はっきりとした)

= He gave me explicit directions on how to use the device.


4. vibrant(活気に満ちた)

= Shanghai is a vibrant and exciting city.


5. fraudulent(詐欺の、不正な)

= The company was sued for fraudulent advertising.


6. mediocre(よくも悪くもない)

= The food at the restaurant was mediocre.


7. lenient(寛大な、甘い)

= You should be more lenient with others.


8. unscathed(無傷の、無事な)

= Amazingly, the driver escaped from the accident unscathed.