
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.05



1. captive(捕虜になった、捕らえられた)

= They were taken captive by terrorists.


2. anemic(貧血の、無気力な、弱々しい)

= Lack of iron makes you anemic.


3. consummate(完璧な、この上ない)

= He is a consummate gentleman and scholar.


4. reticent(話したがらない、無口な)

= She is reticent about her private life.


5. adjacent(隣接した、近隣の)

= An outodoor pool is adjacent to the hotel.


6. astute(明敏な、抜け目のない)

= She is an astute businesswoman.


7. sterile(無菌の、殺菌した)

= The operation must be performed under sterile conditions to prevent infection.


8. imminent(差し迫った、切迫した)

= The firm is in imminent danger of bankruptcy.