
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.09



1. palate(味覚)

= It is difficult to choose dishes that suit everyone's palate.


2. depletion(減少)

= The depletion of the ozone layer might cause an increase in skin cancers.


3. autonomy(自治

= Japan regained political autonomy in 1951.


4. elevation(標高、海抜)

= Mount Everest has an elevation of 8.848 meters.


5. splinter(破片、とげ)

= I have a splinter of glass in my toe.


6. attic(屋根裏部屋)

= We use the attic for storage.


7. viability(実現可能性)

= The viability of the project is threatened.


8. proprietor(経営者)

= My uncle is the proprietor of five restaurants.