
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.23



1. ravage(荒廃、惨害)

= The counrty is gradually recovering from the ravages of war.


2. misnomer(ふさわしくない名称)

= "Hay fever" is a misnomer since hay is not the cause of this problem.


3. cognition(認識、認知)

= Human cognition is influenced by the environment.


4. configuration(配置、配列)

= Proper configuration of the sound system is very important.


5. deduction(控除)

= My taxable income after dedctions is around $50.000.


6. deference(敬意、尊敬、尊重)

= He treated her with deference.


7. deluge(洪水、豪雨、大雨)

= Around 200 homes were damaged by the deluge.


8. hygiene(衛生、清潔)

= Children need to be taught the importance of hygiene.