
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.26



1. fugitive(逃亡者)

= Police arrested a fugitive wanted on drug dealing charges.


2. farce(茶番、ばかげたこと)

= The trial was a complete farce.


3. indiscretion(軽率な言動)

= The minister apologized for his indiscretions.


4. mayhem(大混乱、大騒ぎ)

= There was mayhem when everyone tried to get out at once.


5. adjunct(補助するもの)

= Acupuncture is often used as an adjunct to conventional medicine.


6. aversion(嫌悪)

= I have an aversion to insects.


7. catalyst (きっかけ、要因)

= The movement acted as a catalyst for eliminating discrimination.


8. culmination(結果、賜物、絶頂、最高潮)

= The book is the culmination of five years of research.