
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.27



1. figment(空想、幻想)

= Ghosts are a figment of our imagination.


2. hermit(世捨て人、隠遁者)

= He became a hermit after losing all his property.


3. memento(思い出の品、記念品)

= His room is full of mementos of his childhood.


4. nudge(そっと突くこと)

= I gave him a gentle nudge to wake him up.


5. standstill(停止、行き詰まり)

= The nuclear plant has been at a complete standstill for two years.


6. affluence(豊かさ、裕福)

= Material affluence is not the same as spiritual affluence.


7. zest(熱意、強い興味)

= She seems to have lost her zest for the job.


8. faction(派閥、党派)

= There are four factions in the party.