
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.03



1. nullify(無効にする)

= The contract was nullified due to public opposition.


2. quench(のどの渇きを癒す)

= I quenched my thirst with spring water.


3. veer(向きを変える、曲がる)

= The car suddenly veered to the left.


4. taint(傷つける、汚す)

= The scandal tainted his reputation as a politician.


5. incarcerate(投獄する)

= The man was incarcerated for 10 years for robbery.


6. falter(弱まる、衰える)

= The economy is showing signs of faltering.


7. bemoan(嘆く、不満を漏らす)

= It is no use bemoaning the past.


8. procrastinate(ぐずぐずする、先延ばしにする)

= Procrastinating will make the situation worse.