
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.05



1. facilitate(容易にする、促進する)

= The Internet has facilitated communication among people at different locations.


2. impair(低下させる、損なう)

= Prolonged exposure to loud noises can impair hearing.


3. dispatch(派遣する)

= UN peacekeepers were dispatched to the country.


4. reciprocate(報いる)

= We should always reciprocate others' kindness.


5. dawdle(だらだらする)

= Stop dawdling and get to work!


6. incapacitate(動けなくする、生活能力を奪う)

= The car accident left him incapacitated for a few months.


7. duplicate(複製する)

= It is prohibited to duplicate or distribute any content of this website.


8. rehash(焼き直す、作り直す)

= The movie merely rehashes old themes.