
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.07



1. impede(妨げる)

= The search for the missing people was impeded by bad weather.


2. perpetrate(犯す、働く)

= He was accused of perpetrating human rights violations.


3. gauge(読み取る)

= It is always difficult to gauge public opinion accurately.


4. censor(検閲する)

= Letters to and from inmates are censored.


5. demote(降格する)

= He was demoted for neglect of duty.


6. intercept(傍受する、途中で制止する)

= The CIA has intercepted messages between terrorists.


7. spearhead(先頭に立つ、先陣を切る)

= The organization has been spearheading a campaign to reform the educational system.


8. concur(意見が一致する)

= Most scientists concur that global warming has become an undeniable reality.