
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.16



1. muffle(消す、包む)

= Her voie was muffled by the loud music.


2. decipher(解読する)

= The agents have yet to decipher the code.


3. impound(押収する)

= The suspect's cell phone was impounded by the police.


4. repress(こらえる、抑える)

= She could not repress a smile.


5. negate(打ち消す、無効にする)

= Alcohol negates the effects of antibiotics.


6. envision(想像する、心に描く)

= It is unrealistic to envision a world without nuclear weapons.


7. juggle(上手にやりくりする)

= She juggles three part-time jobs.


8. dislodge(移動させる、どかす)

= The sudden flood dislodged the bridge.