
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.21



1.  erroneous(誤った、間違った)

= We tend to make erroneous judgements based on our first impressions.


2. latent(潜在的な、隠れている)

= The girl has a latent talent for music.


3. pungent(鼻を刺す様な、刺激のある)

= There was a pungent smell coming from downstairs.


4. outright(完全な、あからさまな)

= There was no outright winner in the first ballot of the election.


5. pervasive(蔓延した、行き渡った)

= Corruption is pervasive in many developing countries.


6. exorbitant(法外な、途方もない)

= The hotel's rates are exorbitant.


7. obstinate(頑固な)

= She can be obstinate sometimes.


8. auspicious(幸先の良い)

= The team made an auspicious start by winning its first game.