
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.21



1. exuberant(元気いっぱいの)

= She is young and exuberant.


2. gullible(だまされやすい)

= Gullible people tend to think that they won't get fooled.


3. squeamish(吐き気を催す)

= Some people are squeamish about needles.


4. unprecedented(前例のない)

= Cyber crimes has reached an unprecedented level.


5. misleading(誤解を招きかねない)

= Advertising must not contain misleading information.


6. secluded(人目につかない)

= The old man lives in a secluded house in the countryside.


7. disparate(全く異なる)

= Some scientists say that science and ethics are fundamentally disparate.


8. penitent(後悔している)

= "I'm sorry", he said with a penitent look.