
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.03



1. invariably(いつも、常に、必ず)

= He is invariably punctual.


2. inadvertently(不注意にも、うっかりして)

= She inadvertently revealed the truth.


3. overly(あまりにも)

= The government's economic forcast is overly optimistic.


4. marginally(わずかに、過度に)

= Stock prices fell marginally today.


5. blatantly(露骨に)

= He blatantly lied to me.


6. intermittently(断続的に)

= It has been raining intermittently for the past few days.


7. benevolently(寛大に、慈悲深く)

= He benevolently gave them money to buy new clothes.


8. surreptitiously(秘密裏に、こっそりと)

= The police surreptitiously recorded phone calls between the two suspects.