
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.12



1. haul off(~を運行する)

= The suspect was hauled off to the local police station.


2. seal off(立ち入り禁止にする、封鎖する)

= Police sealed off the crime scene.


3. bawl out(~をがみがみしかる)

= The coach bawled him out for being late.


4. egg on(~にけしかける、そそのかす)

= I hit the boy as many friends egged me on.


5. abscond with(~を持ち逃げする)

= He absconded with investors money.


6. live down(~を人々に忘れさせる)

= You will never be able to live it down.


7. pan out(うまくいく)

= Unfortunately the plan didn't pan out.


8. stumble across(~を偶然見つける、偶然出くわす)

= I stunbled across old pictures from my childhood in the attic.