
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.17



1. root for(応援する、励ます)

= I'm rooking for you.


2. sympathize with(同情する、支持する)

= I deeply sympathize with her plight.


3. flock to(詰めかける、押し寄せる)

= Thousands of shoppers flocked to the opening of the new mall.


4. rifle through(素早く探る)

= The robber rifled through her purse and took her money.


5. harp on(~のことをくどくど言う)

= My wife is always harping on my faults.


6. rope in(~を誘い込む、引き込む)

= He was roped in to play bass in the band.


7. fizzle out(立ち消えになる、尻すぼみに終わる)

= The project fizzled out due to lack of funding.


8. flare up(かっとなる、怒りなどが爆発する)

= She flared up at his remark.