
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.20



1. bestow A on B(AをBに授ける、与える)

= An honorary degree was bestowed on him.


2. instill A in B(AをBに植え付ける、教え込む)

= We need to instill confidence in all our students.


3. exonerate A from B(AのBを晴らす)

= The defendent was exonerated from the charge of theft.


4. hail A as B(AをBと称賛する)

= The event was hailed as a great success.


5. liken A to B(AをBに例える)

= Life is often likened to a voyage.


6. perceive A as B(AをBだと考える、とらえる)

  = He is often perceived as being overconfident and arrogant.


7. relegate A to B(AをBに降格させる、格下げする)

= The club was relegated to the Second Division.


8. absolve A of B(AのBを免じる、免除する)

= The court absolved him of all charges.