
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.07.09





1. in hindsight(今にして思えば、あとの祭りだが)

= In hindsight, the project was a failure.


2. with alacrity(即座に、てきぱきと)

= She accepted the invitation with alacrity.


3. in jeopardy(危険にさらされて)

= The lives of thousands of children are in jeopardy due to hunger.


4. down the road(将来、いつか)

= It is difficult to forecast what the economy will be like down the road.


5. with impunity(罰せられずに、罰を受けずに)

= You can't do that with impunity.


6. on the rise (増加傾向で)

= The crime rate in the city is on the rise.


7. in no way(一切~ない、絶対に~ない)

= I am in no way responsible for your actions.


8. in one's shoes(~の立場になって)

= I wouldn't like to be in his shoes.