
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-


Daily English 2020.11.30

今日の単語。 1. be tied up(手がふさがっている、予定が詰まっている) = I'm tied up right now, so can you call bak later? 2. hit the roof(かっとなる、頭にくる) = She hit the roof when she found out the truth. 3. fend for oneself(自活する…

Daily English 2020.11.27

今日の単語。 1. kick up a fuss(騒ぎ立てる、不平を言う) = The passengers kicked up a fuss when informed their flight had been canceled. 2. bear the brunt of(の矢面に立つ) = The prime minister bore the brunt of public criticism. 3. take …

Daily English 2020.11.26

今日の単語。 1. be prone to(をしがちである、~になりやすい) = Children are prone to injury. 2. be impervious to(~に平然としている、動じない) = He is impervious to criticism. 3. be optimistic about(~に楽観的である) = He is optimisti…

Daily English 2020.11.25

今日の単語。 1. be inundated with(~が殺到する) = The school was inundated with calls rom the media. 2. be derived from(~に由来する) = The word "disk" is derived from the Latin word "discus." 3. be enthralled by(~に魅了される) = He…

Daily English 2020.11.24

今日の単語。 1. be mesmerized by(~に魅了される) = We were mesmerized by the beauty of the landscape. 2. be susceptible to (~に感染しやすい、~の影響をうけやすい) = Children are more susceptible to flu than adults. 3. be tantamount to…

Daily English 2020.11.23

今日の単語。 1. be vulnerable to(~に弱い、傷つきやすい) = Infants are vulnerable to infections. 2. be engrossed in (~に夢中になっている) = She seemed engrossed in conversation. 3. be heedless of(~を気に留めない、注意を払わない) =H…

Daily English 2020.11.22

今日の単語。 1. inspire A to do(Aを触発して~する気にさせる) = Schiller's poem inspired Beethoven to compose his Ninth symphony. 2. motivate A to do(Aを~する気にさせる、動機を与える) = It is a teacher's job to motivate students to lea…

Daily English 2020.11.21

今日の単語。 1. cajole A into doing(Aをおだてて~させる) = He is good at cajoling people into doing what he wants. 2. coerce A into doing (Aに強要して~させる) = The suspect was coereced into confessing. 3. implore A to do(Aに~するよ…

Daily English 2020.11.20

今日の単語。 1. bestow A on B(AをBに授ける、与える) = An honorary degree was bestowed on him. 2. instill A in B(AをBに植え付ける、教え込む) = We need to instill confidence in all our students. 3. exonerate A from B(AのBを晴らす) = Th…

Daily English 2020.11.19

今日の単語。 1. attribute A to B(AをBに起因すると考える) = Global warming is attributed to the emission of greenhouse gases. 2. pass A off as B(AをBだと思い込ませる) = The man tried to pass fake goods off as authentic. 3. squander A on…

Daily English 2020.11.18

今日の単語。 1. farm out(委託する、下請けに出す) = The construction was farmed out to other companies. 2. nose around(探し回る、かぎ回る) = The police nosed around the crime scene. 3. pine for(~を恋しく思う、思い焦がれる) = She is s…

Daily English 2020.11.17

今日の単語。 1. root for(応援する、励ます) = I'm rooking for you. 2. sympathize with(同情する、支持する) = I deeply sympathize with her plight. 3. flock to(詰めかける、押し寄せる) = Thousands of shoppers flocked to the opening of the…

Daily English 2020.11.16

今日の単語。 1. renege on(約束などを破る、反故にする) = The party reneged on its manifesto commitment. 2. bow out(身を引く、退く) = He bowed out of international football last year. 3. clam up(口を閉ざす、黙り込む) = He clammed up wh…

Daily English 2020.11.15

今日の単語。 1. mull over(じっくり考える、熟考する) = We need to mull over the situation before making a final decision. 2. lean on(圧力をかける、脅す) = The government leaned on the TV station not to air the program. 3. cut across(~…

Daily English 2020.11.14

今日の単語。 1. take out(ローンなどを組む) = He took out a 20-year mortgage. 2. teem with(たくさんいる、うじゃうじゃいる) = The pond was teeming with carp. 3. meddle in(干渉する) = Don't meddle in othe people's business. 4. back out…

Daily English 2020.11.13

今日の単語。 1. crack up(爆笑する、笑いこける) = She cracked up when she heard the joke. 2. drum up(~を獲得する、得ようと努力する) = The candidate distributed thousands of leaflets to drum up support. 3. bask in(浸る、浴する) = She …

Daily English 2020.11.12

今日の単語。 1. haul off(~を運行する) = The suspect was hauled off to the local police station. 2. seal off(立ち入り禁止にする、封鎖する) = Police sealed off the crime scene. 3. bawl out(~をがみがみしかる) = The coach bawled him ou…

Daily English 2020.11.11

今日の単語。 1. allude to (~にそれとなく言及する、ほのめかす) = He alluded to the problem in his speech. 2. drift off(眠りに落ちる) = She had just drifted off when the phone rang. 3. factor in(~を計算に入れる) = Real estate values …

Daily English 2020.11.10

今日の単語。 1. gloat over(~を見てほくそえむ) = SHe gloated over her rival's failure. 2. sort out(を解決する) = We still have a number of problems to sort out. 3. succumb to(~に屈する) = He finally succumbed to the lure of money. 4…

Daily English 2020.11.09

今日の単語。 1. own up to(~を白状する) = He finally owned up to stealing the money. 2. interefere with(~に支障を来す、妨害する) = She tries not to let work interfere with her personal life. 3. head off(~を阻止する) = The airline h…

Daily English 2020.11.08

今日の単語。 1. pull off(うまくやり遂げる) = He pulled off a feat that many thought impossible. 2. snap up(先を争って買う) = Customers were snapping up clearance items. 3. draw up(作成する) = He drew up the contract himself. 4. pluck…

Daily English 2020.11.07

今日の単語。 1. fend off(かわす、受け流す) = The CEO managed to fend off questions from the press. 2. poke around in(~を探して回る) = She poked around in her closet for something to wear. 3. rattle off(をすらすらと言う) = He can rat…

Daily English 2020.11.06

今日の単語。 1. simmer down(落ち着く、気を静める) = Simmer down, you two! 2. boil down to(結局~である) = The problem boils down to lack of money. 3. bail out(~を救済する) = The bank was bailed out by the government. 4. scrape by on…

Daily English 2020.11.05

今日の単語。 1. tamper with(~をいじくる) = I could see immediately that the lock had been tampered with. 2. gloss over(~をごまかす、はぐらかす) = She tried to gloss over his mistake. 3. crop up(発生する、生じる) = A problem cropped…

Daily English 2020.11.04

今日の単語。 1. crack down on (厳しく取り締まる) = The police have been cracking down on drug dealing. 2. vie for(~を得ようと競い合う) = Several boys are vying for her attention. 3. lash out at(~を厳しく非難する) = The prime minist…

Daily English 2020.11.03

今日の単語。 1. invariably(いつも、常に、必ず) = He is invariably punctual. 2. inadvertently(不注意にも、うっかりして) = She inadvertently revealed the truth. 3. overly(あまりにも) = The government's economic forcast is overly optimi…

Daily English 2020.11.02

今日の単語。 1. meekly(おとなしく、従順に) = She meekly did as she was told. 2. curtly(素っ気なく、ぶっきらぼうに) = He rejected my offer curtly. 3. irreparably(修復できないほど、取り返し突かないほど) = The building was irreparably d…

Daily English 2020.11.01

今日の単語。 1. opaque(不透明な) = Opaque glass can provide you with privacy. 2. ponderous(大きくて重い) = This book is ponderous. 3. untenable(擁護できない、維持できない) = His position has become untenable. 4. verbose(冗長な、言葉…