
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.09.18



1. backlog(未処理の仕事)

= It took me two days to clear the backlog.


2. grudge(恨み、遺恨)

= The defendant had a grudge against society.


3. maxim(格言)

= As the maxim says, " Time is money."


4. veto(拒否権)

= The president used his veto to block the passage of the bill.


5. freight(貨物、積み荷)

= The train carries both passengers and freight.


6. conveyance(輸送、運搬)

= Horses were the principal means of conveyance in those days.


7. tantrum(かんしゃく)

= During chilfhood, she used to throw tantrums.


8. embargo(通商禁止、禁輸)

= the UN imposed an arms embargo on the country.