
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.08



1. pull off(うまくやり遂げる)

= He pulled off a feat that many thought impossible.


2. snap up(先を争って買う)

= Customers were snapping up clearance items.


3. draw up(作成する)

= He drew up the contract himself.


4. pluck up(奮い起こす)

= He plucked up the courage to ask her out.


5. phase out(段階的に停止する)

= The company announced plans to phase out the production of incandescent bulbs.


6. whip up(手早く作る)

= she whipped up lunch for me.


7. opt for(を選ぶ)

= After graduating, he opted for a career in journalism.


8. reminisce about(~の思い出話をする)

= We reminisced about out school days.

Daily English 2020.11.07



1. fend off(かわす、受け流す)

= The CEO managed to fend off questions from the press.


2. poke around in(~を探して回る)

= She poked around in her closet for something to wear.


3. rattle off(をすらすらと言う)

= He can rattle off the names of every country in Africa.


4. level with(~に本当のことを言う)

= The president should level with the American people.


5. identify with(~に共感する)

= I identified with the main character in the movie.


6. butt in(口を挟む、口出しする)

= Stop butting in when others are speaking.


7. rub off on(~に受け継がれる、伝わる)

= His sense of humor has rubbed off on his son.


8. sounf off about(~について意見をまくし立てる)

= He is always sounding off about politics.

Daily English 2020.11.06



1. simmer down(落ち着く、気を静める)

= Simmer down, you two!


2. boil down to(結局~である)

= The problem boils down to lack of money.


3. bail out(~を救済する)

= The bank was bailed out by the government.


4. scrape by on(~で何とか暮らしていく)

= More and more people are scraping by on welfare.


5. vouch for(~を保証する)

= I can vouch for his integrity.


6. shell out(~を渋々出す)

= He shelled out $800 for car repairs.


7. patch up(修復する)

= He wants to patch things up with his wife.


8. hinge on(~にかかっている、~次第である)

= The success of the project hinges on support from the community.

Daily English 2020.11.05



1. tamper with(~をいじくる)

= I could see immediately that the lock had been tampered with.


2. gloss over(~をごまかす、はぐらかす)

= She tried to gloss over his mistake.


3. crop up(発生する、生じる)

= A problem cropped up during surgery.


4. nod off(居眠りする)

= I found myself nodding off during the meeting.


5. descend on(~に押し掛ける、押し寄せる)

= Hudreds of demonstrators descended on the US embassy.


6. sink in(理解される)

(d the e-mail several times before it sank in.


7. hold down(続ける、価格などを抑える)

= He holds down two jobs to provide for his family.


8. run up(ためる、増やす)

= She has run up debts of $20,000.

Daily English 2020.11.04



1. crack down on (厳しく取り締まる)

= The police have been cracking down on drug dealing.


2. vie for(~を得ようと競い合う)

= Several boys are vying for her attention.


3. lash out at(~を厳しく非難する)

= The prime minister lashed out at the opposition.


4. tap into((資源などを)利用する)

= We can tap into the wealth of information on the Internet.


5. toy with(~を漠然と考える)

= She is toying with the idea of studying abroad.


6. taper off(次第に弱まる)

= After a while, the rain began to taper off.


7. pore over(~を熟読する、じっくりと見る)

= He spent hours poring over the report.


8. iron out(解決する)

= They have finally ironed out the bugs in the software.