
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.11.18



1. farm out(委託する、下請けに出す)

= The construction was farmed out to other companies.


2. nose around(探し回る、かぎ回る)

= The police nosed around the crime scene.


3. pine for(~を恋しく思う、思い焦がれる)

= She is still nosed around the crime scene.


4. rack up(利益などを上げる、得る)

= The company racked up profits of $2.2 billion last year.


5. revel in(~を大いに楽しむ)

= He revels in his role as a father.


6. tip off(~について密告する)

= Someone tipped off the police about the terrorist plot.


7. tower over(~より抜きんでる)

= He towers over other writers.


8. barge through(~をかき分けて進む)

= She barged through the crowd to me.

Daily English 2020.11.17



1. root for(応援する、励ます)

= I'm rooking for you.


2. sympathize with(同情する、支持する)

= I deeply sympathize with her plight.


3. flock to(詰めかける、押し寄せる)

= Thousands of shoppers flocked to the opening of the new mall.


4. rifle through(素早く探る)

= The robber rifled through her purse and took her money.


5. harp on(~のことをくどくど言う)

= My wife is always harping on my faults.


6. rope in(~を誘い込む、引き込む)

= He was roped in to play bass in the band.


7. fizzle out(立ち消えになる、尻すぼみに終わる)

= The project fizzled out due to lack of funding.


8. flare up(かっとなる、怒りなどが爆発する)

= She flared up at his remark.

Daily English 2020.11.16



1. renege on(約束などを破る、反故にする)

= The party reneged on its manifesto commitment.


2. bow out(身を引く、退く)

= He bowed out of international football last year.


3. clam up(口を閉ざす、黙り込む)

= He clammed up when I asked him about his past.


4. smooth over(丸く収める)

= We managed to smooth over the issue.


5. sound out(考えを探る、聞きだす)

= We should sound him out first.


6. blot out(覆い隠す、覆う)

= Thick clouds were blotting out the stars.


7. buy off(買収する、賄賂を贈る)

= They tried to buy off the witness.


8. goof off(サボる、怠ける)

= Stop goofing off and get back to work.

Daily English 2020.11.15



1. mull over(じっくり考える、熟考する)

= We need to mull over the situation before making a final decision.


2. lean on(圧力をかける、脅す)

= The government leaned on the TV station not to air the program.


3. cut across(~を超えて広がる)

= The president's popularity cuts across age, gender , and religion.


4. rustle up(を急いで作る)

= She rustled up breakfast for me.


5. muscle in on(~に強引に割り込む)

= The company is trying to muscle in on the Chinese market.


6. branch out(活動範囲を広げる、手を広げる)

= The manufacturer announced plans to branch out into the Indian market.


7. walk out(ストライキをする、立ち去る)

= More than 500 workers walked out against a wage cut.


8. wriggle out of(~を避ける、逃れる)

= The prime minister wriggled out of answering the question.


Daily English 2020.11.14



1. take out(ローンなどを組む)

= He took out a 20-year mortgage.


2. teem with(たくさんいる、うじゃうじゃいる)

= The pond was teeming with carp.


3. meddle in(干渉する)

= Don't meddle in othe people's business.


4. back out(手を引く、撤退する)

= The buyer of our house backed out of the contract at the last minute.


5. commiserate with(同情する)

= She commiserated with the victims of the flood.


6. pin down(突き止める、はっきりさせる)

= It is difficult to pin down the causes of cancer.


7. peter out(収まってくる、尻すぼみになる)

= The storm has petered out sooner than expected.


8. thumb through(ざっと目を通す、パラパラとめくる)

= I thumbed through the report.