
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.04.08






1. constitutional(憲法の)

= The politician is an advocate of constitutional reform.


2. treacherous(危険な、油断できない)

= Heavy snow over the weekend has made roads treacherous.


3. mandatory(義務的な、必須の)

= The use of seat belts is mandatory for drivers and passengers.


4. altruistic(利他的な)

= It is very difficult to be completely altruistic.


5. intrinsic(本質的な、本来備わっている)

= Error is intrinsic to all human activity.


6. candid(率直な、遠慮のない)

= Participants exchanged candid views on the issue.


7. innate(生まれつきの、生来の)

= She has an innate talent for music.


8. ingenious(独創的な)

= Archmedes invented many ingenious machines.