
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-





1. savvy(経験豊かな、抜け目のない)

= He is a savvy investor.


2. belligerent(挑戦的な、敵意のある)

= Police said that the man was intoxicated and was bellingerent toward officers.


3. tenacious(粘り強い、不屈の =persistent)

= You have to make tenacious efforts to achieve your goal.


4. stringent (厳しい、厳重な、逼迫した)

= The federal goverment should place more stringent restrictions on gun sales.


5. destitute(無一文の、極貧の)

= The earthquake left thousands of people destitute.


6. sluggish(不振な、活気のない = slack, stagnant⇔brisk)

= Domestic new car sales remain sluggish.


7. burgeoning(急成長な、急増する)

= China is a burgeoning economic powerhouse.


8. tepid(生ぬるい)

= I hate tepid coffe.