
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.05.27






1. ulterior(秘められた、隠された)

= He must have an ulterior motive for visiting me.


2. microscopic(微細な、非常に小さな)

= Police found microscopic traces of the victim's blood in the suspect's home.


3. hefty(多額の、大きくて重い、ずっしりとした)

= The man made ahefty profit by selling his shares.


4. pretentious(仰々しい、もったいぶった)

= I think that the author's writing style is wordy and pretentious.


5. forensic(科学捜査の)

= DNA testing is an important forensic tool.


6. illicit(違法な)

= The use of illicit drugs is prevalent among young  people.


7. dreary(物悲しい、物憂い、退屈な)

= It was a dreary, rainy day when I arrived in the town.


8. obsessive(異常なまでにこだわる、脅迫的な)

= My boss is obsessive about punctuality.