
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.05.31





1. frantic(必死の、大慌ての、取り乱した)

= Neighbors made frantic attempts to rescue him.


2. perilous(危険な)

= The country's economy is in a perilous state.


3. judicious(賢明な、分別のある、慎重な)

= I thought that the judge's decision was judicious.


4. intricate(複雑な、入り組んだ)

= Venice is famous for its intricate canal system.


5. dismal(陰鬱な、惨めな)

= There was a dismal atmosphere in the house.


6. receptive(受け入れる、受容力がある)

= He was receptive to my suggestion.


7. genial(気さくな、愛想の良い)

= She has a genial personality.


8. crude(粗末な、下品な)

= The family lived in a crude hut.