
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.07.20





1. feat(偉業、離れ業)

= The dam is a brilliant feat of engineering.


2. allure(魅力、魅惑)

= The city is losing its allure as a tourist destination.


3. quarantine(隔離)

= He was put in quarantine after showing flu symptoms.


4. adherent(支持者)

= He has long been an adherent of the Republican Party.


5. impasse(行き詰まり)

= Negotiations between the employees and the management have reached an impasse.


6. curfew (夜間外出禁止令)

= The whole city is under curfew now.


7. predicament(苦境、窮地)

= Many small businesses are in a predicament.


8. throng(群衆)

= A huge throng gathered to witness the event.