
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.21



1. concede(渋々認める)

= He conceded that he had lied.


2. revoke(無効にする、取り消す)

= The Supreme Court revoked the lower court's decision.


3. appall(ぞっとさせる、愕然とさせる)

= The September 11 terrorist attacks appalled people around the world.


4. inaugurate(~を正式に開始する)

= More than 500 people gathered to inaugurate the new airport.


5. rebuff(拒絶する)

= The company rebuffed a buyout offer from Microsoft.


6. instigate(開始する)

= The government has instigated numerous fiscal reforms.


7. wrench(もぎ取る、捻挫する、くじく)

= The robber wrenched the purse from her hands.


8. retard(遅らせる、妨害する)

= Tax increases would retard economic growth.