
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.28



1. covert(秘密の、ひそかな)

= Police carried out covert surveilance of the building for several weeks.


2. ubiquitous(どこにでもある)

= Convenience stores are ubiquitous in Japan.


3. hereditary(遺伝の)

= Hair loss is often hereditary.


4. valiant(果敢な、勇敢な)

= Firefighters made several valiant attempts to enter the burning home.


5. disgruntled(不満を抱いた、不機嫌な)

= She was distruntled at the way she had been treated.


6. shrewd (抜け目のない、そつのない)

= He is a shrewd businessman.


7. incessant(絶え間ない、ひっきりなしの)

= Everyone is getting tired of her incessant chatter.


8. avid(熱心な)

= He is an avid reader of science fiction.