
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.10.04



1. disrupt(中断させる)

= The event was disrupted by heavy rain.


2. hoard(ため込む)

= Some exporters have hoarded their crops in the expectation of higher prices.


3. solicit(求める)


= The company solicited funds from investors.


4. loom(迫る、大きく現れる)

= A serious financial crisis is looming.


5. chafe(苛立つ)

= Banks chafe at the restrictions placed on them.


6. cringe(縮みあがる)

= she cringed at the sight of blood.


7. drench(びしょぬれにする)

= Heavy rain drenched us in a few minutes.


8. relinquish(放棄する、譲る)

= He relinquished custody of his three children.