
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.03.31






1. lucrative (もうかる、金になる = profitable)

=Silkworm breeding was a lucrative business in many agricultural regions.

2. indigenous (原産の、固有の ⇔exotic 外来の)

=Cacao trees are indigenous to South America.

3. impeccable(申し分のない、非の打ちどころのない =flawless, spotless, immaculate)

=The service and the food at the restaurant were impeccable.

4. contentious (異論のある = controversial. disputable)

=Health care reform is a highly contentious issue.

5. futile(無駄な、役に立たない = fruitless, useless)

=It would befutile to try to persuade him.

6. extinct(絶滅した)

= Mammoths became extinct about 10,000 years ago.

7. inherent(固有の、本来備わっている=intrinsic, innate)

= Every sport has its inherent dangers.

8. aloof(よそよそしい、打ち解けない=unfriendly, unsociable)

= He seems aloof but is actually kind.

9. reclusive (隠遁した、世を捨てた = secluded, solitary)

=The author lived a reclusive life in the countryside.

10. adroit (巧みな、上手な、器用な=adept, dexterous)

= He is adroit at negotiating contracts.

11. banal(陳腐な、ありふれた = trite,hackneyed)

= Most critics called the novel banal.

12. ostensible(表向きの、うわべだけの = superficial, outward)

= The ostensible reason for the CEO's resignation was illness.

13. clandestine(秘密の = secret, covert, furtive)

= Police uncovered a clandestine drug factory in the suburbs of the city.

14. counterfeit(偽造の = fake,forged)

= The man was arrested for posessing counterfeit bills.

15. anonymous(匿名の = unnamed, unsigned)

= Police received an anonymous phone call from a man.

16. benign(良性の⇔malignant、優しい、温厚な=gentle,kindly)

= The tumor turned out to be benign.