
平凡な日々の中に彩りを見つけられることを生きがいにしたい今日この頃 -日々の備忘録-

Daily English 2020.08.12



1. recuperate(回復する)

= Her husband is recuperating from his surgery.


2. evade(逃れる、免れる)

= The suspect has evaded capture for more than five years.


3. petrify(~を呆然とさせる)

= I was petrified when I heard the news.


4. disperse (散り散りになる、解散する)

= The crowd dispersed after the police arrived.


5. garner(得る、獲得する)

= The party garnered nearly 60 percent of the vote.


6. perish(死ぬ、非業の死を遂げる)

= More than 500 people perished in the earthquake.


7. wreak(もたらす、引き起こす)

= The hurricane wreaked havoc on New Orleans.


8. deploy(配置する、展開させる)

= About 120,000 US soldiers were deployed in Iraq.